10 Safety Tips for When Guests Come to Visit

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1. Stay outdoors ideally– if you do go inside, keep the windows open, keep a distance and don’t go beyond the numbers permitted by the government.

2. An easy way to avoid awkwardness is to offer alcohol gel with a smile when guests arrive: start as you mean to go on!

3. Wash hands before, during and after preparing food and ensure strict hygiene measures during food preparation to avoid transfer of saliva onto food that is to be shared.

4. Serve up food straight onto guests’ plates rather than having large sharing bowls/platters – this can avoid everyone needing to touch the same spoon to serve themselves.

5. Wipe down commonly touched surfaces like door handles, taps with disinfectant.

6. Do not share towels – keep out disposable paper napkins or disposable kitchen roll in the bathroom and kitchen for them to use after washing their hands, and keep a bin nearby so they can dispose of used items easily.

7. Keep cleaning equipment to hand as visitors may need to use the bathroom – keep wipes and disinfectant out to encourage them to use after use

8. Remember not to touch your face and keep an eye out for your guests and remind them not to as well

9. Encourage handwashing or keep alcohol gel handy for them to use

10. Consider wearing masks - feel like an idiot wearing a mask in your own home? Fair enough. But definitely give it some thought, especially if you have vulnerable people visiting or within our household.